All-in-one Machine Controller MP2300
Controller |
The MP2300 is an all-in-one machine controller. It has three slots for other modules and a basic module whose standard functions include those of a CPU module, an SVB module, and an I/O module.__RCMS_CONTENT_BOUNDARY__The CPU can be used to control 48 axes (when two SVB-01 modules are mounted).__RCMS_CONTENT_BOUNDARY__Most modules used with the MP2200 controller can be mounted in the MP2300 empty slots.
Note: The alphanumeric character indicated by the square, (□), varies in accordance with the combination of modules mounted in the empty slots.__RCMS_CONTENT_BOUNDARY____RCMS_CONTENT_BOUNDARY____RCMS_CONTENT_BOUNDARY____RCMS_CONTENT_BOUNDARY____RCMS_CONTENT_BOUNDARY____RCMS_CONTENT_BOUNDARY____RCMS_CONTENT_BOUNDARY__
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