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  3. Report on the Automation Components Fair 2017 in Hiroshima and Kanazawa (February 17 to 24, 2017)


Mar 23, 2017 Report

Report on the Automation Components Fair 2017 in Hiroshima and Kanazawa (February 17 to 24, 2017)

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The MMA organized the Automation Components Fair 2017 in Hiroshima on February 17 (Fri) and in Kanazawa on February 24 (Fri), 2017.

As with the fair held in Osaka last year, MMA seminars, seminars by individual members to introduce their products, and a keynote lecture by IBM Japan, Ltd. were held at the events in Hiroshima and Kanazawa. Demonstrations of actual machines were shown on the same floor.

Many visitors were interested in IoT and AI, which have recently attracted global attention. Many users, manufacturers, and sales agents traveled great distances to visit the event.

The event provided an opportunity for visitors to observe demonstrations of actual machines. Many visitors took the time to listen to explanations from exhibitors. It was also a meaningful event for exhibitors, as well.

The MMA will continue promoting the use of MECHATROLINK in Japan by disseminating the latest information to many people.

Fair in Hiroshima (Product exhibits)
Fair in Hiroshima (Product exhibits)

Fair in Hiroshima (Seminar)
Fair in Hiroshima (Seminar)

Fair in Kanazawa (Product exhibits)
Fair in Kanazawa (Product exhibits)

Fair in Kanazawa (Seminar)
Fair in Kanazawa (Seminar)

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