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  3. Report on 2019 MECHATROLINK Members Association General Meeting, Lectures, and Reception (June 12, 2019)


Jun 24, 2019 Report

Report on 2019 MECHATROLINK Members Association General Meeting, Lectures, and Reception (June 12, 2019)

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The 2019 MMA General Meeting was held at the CIVI Training Center Akihabara in Tokyo on June 12 (Wed), 2019.

The 2019 General Meeting opened with a speech by Mr. Kenji Ueyama (General Manager of the Motion Control Division at Yaskawa Electric Corp.), who has assumed the position of the MMA chairman for FY2019. He also delivered a speech on the market trends and future of factory automation communication networks, as well as initiatives being taken by the MMA.

At the General Meeting, the MMA secretariat delivered a report on activities in FY2018 and plans, followed by a financial report and proposed budget. The directors of two sub-committees also gave reports on group activities in FY2018 and plans for FY2019.

Yaskawa Electric Corp. introduced two new products, and exhibited, demonstrated, and provided detailed explanations of the products at the site. The MMA exhibited MECHATROLINK-4 and Σ-LINK II in motion to introduce one of the MMA concepts to participants at the meeting.

AI Cube Inc. delivered a keynote speech on “Implementation of Data Solutions in Factory Automation and Further Progress of AI Use”, introducing the application of AI and efforts focused on factory automation.

Asratec Corp. delivered an interesting presentation on the topic of the “Future of Development of Giant Robots”, using motion videos and photos, including the potential for commercializing giant robots in the future.

At the reception following the General Meeting, participants conversed with each other and exchanged information in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The reception was in full swing by the end of the evening.

This year, 147 people from 83 companies participated in the meeting.

This meeting offered the MMA secretariat an opportunity to talk with many participants and listen to their expectations of and opinions on the MMA, which was very productive.

The MMA will engage in activities to expand the use of MECHATROLINK globally.

General Meeting Program

Opening Speech
  Kenji Ueyama,
  MMA Chairman

Report on Activities and Plans
  Hironobu Shimohata
  MMA General Secretary

FY2018 Financial Report and FY2019 Budget
  Mamiko Hiranuma
  MMA Secretariat

Report on Sub-Committee Activities
  (Marketing Sub-Committee)   Takaaki Kato
  Yaskawa Mechatrec Co., Ltd

Report on Sub-Committee Activities (PC Tech Sub-Committee)
  Tadahito Kawamura
  SYSTEC Corp.

Question and Answer Session

Introduction of Participants

Kenji Ueyama MMA Chairman
Kenji Ueyama
MMA Chairman

Hironobu Shimohata MMA General Secretary
Hironobu Shimohata
MMA General Secretary

Takaaki Kato Director Marketing Sub-Committee Yaskawa Mechatrec Co., Ltd
Takaaki Kato.
Director, Marketing Sub-Committee
Yaskawa Mechatrec Co., Ltd

Tadahito Kawamura Director, PC Tech Sub-Committee SYSTEC Corp.
Tadahito Kawamura
Director, PC Tech Sub-Committee

Introduction of New MECHATROLINK Products

1) RM100 Robot Module

Presenter: Hiroyuki Yasui
Business Planning Section,
Business Planning Department
Motion Control Division
Yaskawa Electric Corp.

Hiroyuki Yasui Yaskawa Electric Corp.
Hiroyuki Yasui
Yaskawa Electric Corp.

2) High-Performance Inverter, GA500

Presenter: Yoshihiko Sueyoshi
Global Sales Promotion Group
Drive Division
Yaskawa Electric Corp.

Yoshihiko Sueyoshi Yaskawa Electric Corp.
Yoshihiko Sueyoshi
Yaskawa Electric Corp.

Keynote Speech

Special Keynote Speech 1

“Implementation of Data Solutions in Factory Automation and Further Progress of AI Use”
Presenter: Yumie Kubota
AI Cube Inc.

Yumie Kubota President AI Cube Inc.
Yumie Kubota
AI Cube Inc.

Special Keynote Speech 2

“Future of Development of Giant Robots”

Presenter: Wataru Yoshizaki
Director and Chief Robot Creator
Asratec Corp.

Wataru Yoshizaki Director and Chief Robot Creator Asratec Corp.
Wataru Yoshizaki
Director and Chief Robot Creator
Asratec Corp.


Reception floor

Reception party

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