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  3. Report on IIFES2022 (January 26 to 28, 2022)


Mar 14, 2022 Report

Report on IIFES2022 (January 26 to 28, 2022)

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The MMA participated in the IIFES2022 held at Tokyo Big Sight from January 26 (Wed) to 28 (Fri), 2022.

Under our theme of “Production Site Innovation through the Evolution of Open Field Networks”, the booth featured exhibits of the latest demonstration equipment. We also delivered a presentation on stage using a large monitor to introduce the features and benefits of network technology.

Eight member companies that have MECHATROLINK-compatible products demonstrated their products.
Please take a look at the video that provides an overview of the booth displays and exhibition scenes.

 ■IIFES2022 MMA Booth
*This video is shown with narration in Japanese.
 ■IIFES2022 Introduction of new technologies using demo machines (MECHATROLINK-4, Σ-LINK II)
*This video is shown with narration in Japanese.

The MMA will continue to promote MECHATROLINK with our member companies.

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